May 2020 – Pakenham 3 Level Crossing

Seconded into KBR as technical advisor and Civil Structures Lead for this exciting project for the removal of three level crossings at McGregor Road, Main Street and Racecourse Road along the Pakenham line from the delivery of the TOC through design and to the construction phase for North West Program Alliance.

The level crossings consisted of 68-span twin viaduct U-Trough pre-stressed and Post-Tensioned U-Trough girders with a total length of approximately 2km viaduct and the introduction of 30m U-Trough beams with a new premium station at Pakenham and extending the metropolitan rail line with building a new East Pakenham Station underpass and with a total of 5km long architectural retaining walls.

New innovations such as 2.7m Monopiles and 30m pre-stressed beams were required to meet the tight corridor requirements and to ensure that the dual line running of trains was maintained through construction ensuring minimal disruptions to the community.